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Red Dot Miami

Promoted by: Redwood Media Group


12/4/2019 - 12/8/2019


Show Location

Start Date 12/4/2019
End Date 12/8/2019
Promoted By Redwood Media Group
Venue Mana Wynwood
Address 2217 NW 5th Avenue
City Miami
Phone 310-729-8357
Website Visit
Discover Red Dot Miami - A modern and contemporary art show featuring an international slate of 75+ galleries showing over 500 leading artists.

Show Exhibitors

Are you attendingRed Dot MiamibyRedwood Media Groupas an exhibitor?
You can showcase your brand and art works online and get promoted by Unimerce today. We promote fine arts, antiques and furnishings art pieces via different shopping sales channel online.
And the most important is that we promote you and your brand.
We are not a broker but an online art, antique and furnishing registry directory
whom promotes artists and designers and show sponsors.
Remember, it is free to register and get promoted at the same time!


Guest Exhibitors

Unable to attendRed Dot Miamias an exhibitor this time
but want to showcase your brand and prodcuts,
join us today as a guest exhibitor to be found online
and joinRed Dot Miamiwhen you can.
Remember, it is free to register and get found at the same time!

